Photoverload:what I get to do cause this is my blog
My ward had stake conference on Sunday so I ventured to a neighboring singles ward bright and early at 8:30a...when I got there I found a post it note on the door stating, "Stake Conference", I was all dressed up with no where to go, so I made this face {see above} and let my then fancy hair down {literally}, and headed for the hills, Shenandoah was calling.
As I drove I couldn't help but roll the windows down even though it was chilly, and stop at places like this. I love that smell, the hay, the air, the leaves on the trees and just enough of a whiff of horses or cows that you know they are there but don't think, "gag it stinks!". DC is wonderful but having grown up out West, empty land as far as the eye can see lulls me.
hair down+window down=obscured vision=death by car=hair back up but this time all top knot trendy like the bloggers that attended that Alt Blog Summit thing...
finally arrived 2.5hrs later and it was so worth it...see...
button or no botton...wait did the camera just click? 10 sec isn't long enough!
let's try standing? yes standing is good wait did it click? I don't know let's try it 2 more times. Who I am kidding I did it like 28 times! I am sure anyone who saw me would have thought, "seriously you fool, setting your camera up on that 'tripod' then running like it's your job only to turn around and try to look natural before the shutter opens over and over and over again, what you think your smile will change? your ass will get smaller? you're hair will magically not look like you just got released from the drunk tank? Ya you're a fool"
voila my 'tripod' {see it between the ski racks}. But I did other things too... I
journaled, and then went back to camera and took "self portrait in a jetta" pictures
then watched the sun set on what turned out to be quite a perfect day.