Thursday, May 30, 2013

Motivation: funny what things motivate you to do other the fact that my lovely work benefits ending on May 31st motivated me to: get a physical, have blood work done, get my teeth cleaned, get my crown replaced, get that mole on my arm removed, see the optometrist, and the lady doctor all in a matter of weeks :)...and in case you were wondering, everything was A okay.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

"Hi, my name is Kate, I am newish to limbo, I have been here before, but its been a while, I am not sure I am happy to be here, but I am here none the less. So I guess, um, my name is Monica Kate and I am a limboaholic":I make decisions very quickly. When I am done, I am done. Pretty sure I have mentioned this before but if not, here goes my broken record. When I decided to serve a mission, I had my papers in 3 days later, and a call 14 days after that. When I decided I was done with Utah for a moment, I found a job in DC and I was in the car a week later. When I knew the marriage was never going to work, I had the Uhaul loaded a few hours later. When there was heartbreaking fallout @ my DC job, I waited to see if it could be fixed and when I they didn't even try to repair after a few months, I was out. Back to Utah again.... It was my dream to work @ Sundance since I was young. I adored the mountains, the overall feel, I knew it would be the perfect fit. Sundance was enough of a pull for me to leave DC and not really have time to look back with longing. It WAS enough of a pull, then it too started to crumble and what I thought would be a wise shift, became nothing more than a pile of crumbs on the floor passed over even by the mice. I thought I would remain there for at least 2 years, it held me for only 6 months. Now I am here....secretly hoping the next step isn't right in front of me and I just can't see it :)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Loosen up my buttons?: Yay, a last minute date called. We had texted back and forth a bit, a few phone calls, and he had a change in his schedule so off to a first date dinner we went. Wings! I tried to eat like a lady, but wings render me neanderthalic {yes that is a adjective} The wings are the point. The point is that we had been eating for a while when the waiter looked at me, then his eyes got huge! He kept tugging at his shirt whenever I looked at him...oh crap! I looked down, yep button were undone. Nice work MK. I asked my date how long it had been like that, he said he didn't know, a while maybe. Instead of just leaving it at that, I began to explain how I was doing my laundry and when he called it wasn't try yet, so I ran into my sisters closet and to my luckily someone had left a bra in the drawer, close enough to my size, only kicker it was a serious push up. This made it so my shirt was apparently a bit tight but I didn't notice. Really Monica, on a first date just laugh, flirt a little, do not under any circumstance mention you are wearing a push up bra!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Customer Service: The conversation with CapitolOne Bank this morning went like this:

"For verification with our new system Ms. Moore, I am going to ask you a series of questions."

and the questions were:

"Which of the follow cars have you owned from the following list" 

I answered, then

"At which address have you lived in the past 5 years from the following list"

I answered, then

"Which age bracket does Karen J. fit into from the following list"

"Um that is my ex husband's ex wife! I have no clue maybe 34? Where are you getting these questions?"

"Sorry ma'am I am not sure where the questions are generated let's try another. In what city does Alyssa R. reside from the following list?"

-laughing a bit- "Are you serious? That is my ex husbands other ex wife who I know nothing about other than her name! Seriously I would love to know where they are getting these questions, because I have no clue."

"Well that is odd ma'am,  but unfortunately if you can't answer I can't help you. Can you call him to get the answers so we can fully verify you?"

"Are you kidding me? No way. Let me speak to a supervisor please."

Can you imagine that conversation......"hey Nate, haven't talked to you in a while. Watched the Stanley Cup this year? How is the family? Oh and how old is Karen, and where does Alyssa live" ya I don't think so. So I got the supervisor and wouldn't you know it the supervisor laughed with me then gave me the info I needed. Happy Hump Day

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I really tried not to like them. I really try to like the unknown band, the garage talent, but really? How can I not?

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Reflect: what is that? you don't think I post enough pictures of myself? Oh well I agree :) Here are a few more of the remaining pics from Singapore. You've seen the food, my feet, my hands, now here is my reflection.
Walking through an underpass...a really lovely mirrored with botanicals underpass
Don't let the spherical mirror fool you, I am not that wide, nor are my legs that skinny :) oh trompe l'oeil, so great. The SIGLAP park connector is a very very long trail that connects many of the stunning parks on Singapores west side. I made it about 16 ft before realizing skinny jeans=sweat makers in SG. but I kept walking of course, because I had to see what lay around the next bend. 6 miles later, I really really understood why Germans wear those really short shorts.
buried treasure from a shipwreck, casino elevator. Yep I went into casinos, why? because they have the cleanest bathrooms, amazing art, free drinks, and this one had hot passed appetizers! Take that Vegas.
Little morning run (not in jeans!) let me to a fish market, where you literally pick your fish right out of the tank, and this is no Red Lobster lobster tank, these fish are enormous. 
Waiting for the MRT (metro) to take me to church, and the botanical gardens after church
The art museum had a "Make your own Shadow" wall, and I clearly couldn't resist.
I look happy, well I am, but really I am not. this is me in the bathroom of the Tokyo airport wondering how I can manage to stay forever (not in the bathroom, in Asia silly)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Food:shall we talk about the food? Let's. Singapore is an incredible melting pot of culture. Thai, Japanese, Chinese, Malay, and they all fit in one compact little country, and they all have a presence. Singapore's fine dinning circuit is simply ridiculous! Amazing chef's. However, the hakkas -little food stands crammed together- are equally amazing. I didn't know what I was ordering half the time so I just pointed or told the cook to choose for me. Sometimes this was a ver VERY wise choice and my mind was blown, other times this was a bad bad choice and my mind was literally blown because the food was so hot! I ate fish head soup - yes the fish head had giant sharp teeth-, noodles till I almost popped, curries, sushis, japanese pancakes, thanks Andres for that little gem, fine food, street food, hot food, cold food. It is greatly missed. 

World renowned steamed pork dumplings. The server was a bit shocked I ate them all by myself...and they were just the appetizer ;)

 Steamed Vanilla Cake. A very gelatinous take on was divine. Not sure I can replicate it, but I will certainly be trying. 
 Lychee sorbet with a deep fried crab stuffed lychee. @ Savour. AMAZING!
 Seared scallop with dill vichyssoise, squid ink, barley crumble @ Savour I think i licked the plate
 Prosciutto with tomato and mozzarella meringue via liquid nitrogen...meh good idea but not amazing
 pink peppercorn macaron sandwich, street food...herbed bun with sausage. 
 my mystery bag, a point and order moment that resulted in pure lust for prata...and they serve their to-go sauces in baggies, so great. 
Look at their faces :) They are in awe because we were @ Luke's having: lobster mac and cheese, the most amazing burger I have ever put in my mouth, steak tartar to perfection, and a few small bites sent out by the chef
 {they were only sent out because we were tagalongs with the simply wonderful Andres Lara}
 The bacon that literally made my taste buds weep it was so good.
{let it be known had Luke not been married I would have kissed him on the mouth for that makin that bacon!}
 more street food, noodles with a soy cake and shrimp

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

While in Singapore I
 slept here {don't be jealous, and yes the sheets are Snoopy, and no I didn't ever climb to the top bunk}:
got off the train here:
to walk to my adventure here: (UFO type structure on the left)
which consisted of "working" {it was more playing} with them: