Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Genetics: wouldn't you know it...I don't care what science does or doesn't say, I believe that because my Grandma Lil can paint, there is some rather large vein of artistic whimsy in me. Thank you Michael's for having canvas' on sale so I could literally make a disastrous mess without feeling too guilty for the startup cost. The sun was out, the day was warm, so naturally having never taken an art class my first thought was, "what a great day to paint" note to self: just because you share genes with Lil doesn't mean you can do what she does without practice. I rather enjoyed painting today in the sun while under complete coherent dilution that at the end there would be a masterpiece. Picasso I am not, Seraut I am not, but I did so love the idea of painting in the sun. {at least my mind is there, that's half the battle right?}

P.S maybe the universe
was trying to tell me what it thought my painting was....because when I was almost done, I got pooped on!

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