Thursday, May 1, 2014

Work: is such a nasty four letter word. Sadly it is the small classification, small box, we often stuff our passions into. I have allowed recent events to rob me of my passion, my love for cooking. I haven't been doing much of it actually, I have avoided it, and I have been met with an odd crossroads. I will spare the hundreds of details.It is nothing more than mundane work and I am left wondering if I chose the wrong the path, left wondering if I should have become a Victoria Secret underwear model, or a flight attendant, or a surgeon {yes I have wanted to be all those things} My brain is just a jumble of self condemning thoughts. ...until my Mr. Dean needed a wedding cake......and I stepped out of work in Singapore and into no deadlines, no expectations, no inquisitive judgements, and was left alone to create.  It's a funny thing that happens, when you quiet all the noise.....

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