Saturday, April 19, 2014

DBD #12 Valentine Feast: here is yet another Dive Bomb Date Singapore a few months old, but I think one that shouldn't be left out because it is the worst, and due to this date, I didn't go on a date with another man for almost 2 months! We'd texted for a few weeks, he was smart, funny, attractive, and from what I could tell, I was quite excited to meet this guy....let's just call him Paul {because that is his real name}. He was in Utah and we had tried to get together while I was there in January, but no luck. Out of the blue, he had business trip in Singapore, and as luck would have it, I had bought new glasses while in Utah, and the lenses weren't finished before I had to go back to Singapore, so I texted Paul and he said he would love to bring them to me. My parents met him at a park and ride and dropped off the specs. Yes, that is right, my parents met this guy before I did....and they approved at first glance. Back to the story....he flew in around 8p, took a taxi straight to me. It was the stuff movies are made of. He got out of the cab, said,"you are stunning", then went right for a kiss! No, "hi, how are you" just right for the money. Swoon. We had a lovely dinner and then he said, "I hope this isn't assuming too much, but my company puts me up in really nice properties and I was wondering if you would like to come spend the night, don't worry you'd have your own room in the suite, I'm staying at the Four Seasons. I just want to spend as much time with you as I can." and at that moment, fickle me screamed inside! He wanted to spend as much time with me as possible! He was staying in a suite at the Four Seasons! Yes please. Dinner was lovely, Singapore that night was lovely, he was lovely, funny, charming, we had a perfect evening, then retired to his and her areas of the Four Seasons. Now what makes this even better/worse is that he flew in Feb 13th, and Feb 14th is my favorite holiday! The planets were aligning because my valentine's day was set to be perfect. He made a late reservation at a fancy place, I would get off work a bit early, put on my eyeliner in the cab, and be wooed during a romantic dinner. I digress, back to the morning of the 14th...I was doing my hair for work, and a knock came at the door. In my fluffy robe, I let Paul in and walked back to finish my do. "Gosh you're gorgeous, good morning" was all he said before he wrapped his arms around me from behind, and he just stayed there while I smiled, tried to contain my joy, and finished primping. Paul was 42 with a few kids, so what came out of my mouth that morning was, "So how long were you married for?" and to that, he kissed the back of my neck then said, "Oh silly, I am still married, we just have an open relationship". And with a single sentence, he went from PC {prince charming} to DBD. . And that concludes the worst DBD ever.

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