Monday, December 16, 2013

Dark Side: I have a very dark side, I think that is why chef life is so fitting for me....most of the relationships you make are very surface, simple, no deep details. But, you see these guys everyday, so in order to form a relationship, you communicate on a different level. For me this "different" level, is a mean one :) , and I like to think it helps me make friends.....but only  in a kitchen. Let me elaborate:
Exhibits A,B & C: Mingda and Sebatian and their challenge
 Mingda is teaching Sebastian how to skewer lobster, so that when you boil it, the tail remains straight. I stand next to them and watch -mind you the dark side is strong with me- Sebastian's tender heart can't bear to stab a live thing. I say, "you know they scream when you stab them right" (for the record, they don't) this sentence alone freaks out Sebastian so much he can't even pick up the lobster. Mingda, who has been doing this for a really long time, tries to show him one last time, he picks up the lobster, grabs a skewer, and right as the skewer pierces the lobster, I let out a quick hi-pitched scream right behind them. Mingda throws the lobster a good 10 feet across the kitchen and jumps in the air, Sebastian bolts across the kitchen and covers his ears like a bomb has just been dropped! And there I stand, laughing so hard mascara is running down my face. This, this is how real friendships are made. I'm not sure what is worse, how hard I laughed or how, when I saw them working, the first thing I thought was, "I am going to scare the crap out of them!"

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