Wednesday, December 18, 2013

"....the children were nestled, all snug in their....wait a minute!?:: My mother had 5 kids, she wanted us to go and see the world, come back quickly, settle down, have happy marriages, families, and live within at least a few hours drive of each other. Well we are all married (I just get to do it again :), we all have seen various parts of the world, we try to come home, but only 1 of the 5 has kids. So this Christmas, while my mother is wishing she had more grandkids, and while she is missing me {it's a safe assumption people!}, she will be getting a lot of this:
 -I don't have kids, but I do have an awesome dog I left with her-
And a bit of this, the cats of Nick and Audrey, who are adding to the holiday decor like no one's business!

Happy Holidays Mom :) 

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