Gary:He is the quiet man in the background never taking center stage who loves his family more than life itself and would do anything for his 4 girls, 1 son, and wonderful wife. Whenever I drink red cream soda, smell exhaust and oil, or see a riding lawn mower, I think of him. Whenever I hear Lionel Ritchie, see a man in military uniform, or eat an onion ring, I think of him. Whenever I pass a hot rod, hear a train whistle, or watch Home Alone, I think of him. He taught me how to ride a bike, how to stretch before a run -I was 3 the video is darling- , how to build a fire, how to work, paddle a canoe, change a tire, tie my shoes, make a bed, mow a lawn. He taught me by every day example how to love and be kind. When I was 12 a woman came to my dad's shop to pick up her mini-van, the bill was substantially higher than she had expected and she looked at him with deep sorrow ..... knowing she couldn't pay the tab I watched as he logged into her invoice and adjusted the parts, and labor so much that the bill was almost gone. He had a family of his own to provide for but never once let circumstance overshadow his kindness. On Sundays my thoughts usually turn towards God, with today being Father's Day, my thoughts are turned towards Gary Moore, my dad. My father who sends me silly texts, and who calls just to say he loves me. My Dad who makes me proud to be a daddy's girl, proud to be Moore, and who is the best example I can fathom, of how much God must love his children. I love you Dad.
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