Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Pride: a little while ago someone was attempting to take a jab at me. After quickly listing off how their own life had improved, they proceeded to inform me that I was: alone, living in a basement, and that I was just a nanny. To that I have a minor rebuttal... {I am not using this as an answer more an explanation a definition of my sittuation if you will}.....wait for it.

Alone: yes I currently live alone however I have a mother, father, siblings, nieces, nephew, grandfolk, dear friends and I am dating a ridiculously wonderful man who is all the usuals of brilliant, handsome, so strong, uhm sexy yes I said it *blush* but more than that, he makes me tingle and smile and when I am with him I am my favorite version of me and my usual chaos slows and I enjoy every moment.

Living in a basement: oh yes I do :) and my quaint little basement is 6 blocks from the Capitol, quiet, peaceful, and exactly what I need and have needed for this past year almost since my divorce.

Nanny: I cook, I clean, I do all the grocery shopping, all the clothes shopping, I chauffeur to and from school, ballet, the beach, Hershey Park, I supervise homework, I kiss hurt knees, resolve twin battles, MC impromptu karaoke parties where utensils are used as mics, I taught them how to ride bikes, and I tell those 3 sweet littles I love them at least 14x a day. Nanny is an understatement....during my 9-5 I am Wonderwoman. {this picture is depicting a little bit of a funny moment....traffic had us at a dead stop on the way to ballet so naturally I told the girls to change right there in the car so when we did get there they would be ready. While doing so little miss Z had to pee and luckily the car potty was actually in the car so she did her business and finished before traffic moved}

The point of all of this is simply to have pride in your choices. From the outside they may look rather odd! I went from being married with a darling home and working with one of the best chefs in the country, to the alone-in-a-basement-nanny and I am proud of my choices. One shouldn't have to explain. If your life makes sense to you and is taking you in a positive direction, stand tall and have are never "just" anything, even a nanny :)


  1. Preach it sister! I love this post! The picture, and the story behind it, is classic!
