"Whatever happens take responsibility."
- Tony Robbins -
Simple, obvious, but underutilized. At fist thought one thinks, "of course take responsibility for the low points in your life" these "low points" are easy to spot, but hard to own up to. Examples: A failed relationship, poor work quality, being late, forgetting, being fat, being lazy, and on and on. With all of these things and more we can simply say, "yes I was in the wrong because of x,y,z" and then move on and try to rectify, or we can take the sadly more common route and we can give countless excuses dodging responsibility and spending far too much time dwelling on a situation that will never be mentally or emotionally resolved due to a lack mature admission. Taking responsibility for the low point allows for uninhibited forward motion.
Now for phase #2 we need to take responsibility for our successes as well! You are a good mother, good husband, good friend, you are talented, you succeeded in something that was difficult, you accomplished things no one expected you to, and on and on. I don't know about you but every time I am paid a compliment I bob and weave. A few of my favorite tactical phrases are: "oh anybody would have done that" "seriously, that was not a big deal" "anyway moving on, how are you".... we need to take responsibility for our successes. We need to accept that areas need improving but also that there is extreme greatness that we need to own up to. Frankly, after all that has gone on this past year, excuses really piss me off, and at the end of the day...I am human therefore flawed and great. So are you....so own up to the failures so you can move on and successes so you can feel great!
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