Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Amies: a charming little french word that means "friends". The wonderful thing about dear friends is that months can go by and when you finally get together it feels like no time has passed at all. [well other than the fact that your hair is longer or a different color or shorter, one has moved, one is year older, one has moved on, and all have "news"]. The poor patrons had to listen to the three of us crack up -okay lets face it Johnson and Ruth have nice lady like laughs, I was the only cackle- for over 2 hours. We talked about the good, the bad, the ugly, and the muscly :) I don't have hoards of friends, but the ones I do have are dear to me. Being so rare these moments these days, in pathetic attempts we all took turns holding my phone with greasy burger fingers trying to capture the grandeur of our gathering....not so grand. "hmm nope let hold up some food", "hmm too much onion ring, that looks creepy", "hmm its a little dark" "Ruth you moved", "hmm not focused", "whoa, stupid burger grease", "ya not bad".

*je vous aime*

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