Monday, March 10, 2014

Death of a Patty Cake: I see it everyday, it makes me sad everyday. The death of the Patty Cake is an epidemic here in Asia. Every kid has an ipad or a phone or a screen in front of them. And if they don't, the parent does. Head phones in, world turned off. All I want to do is go and pick up the baby...damn angry birds are taking the place of, "roll it, pat it, mark it with a __ ". Can I please just have a cabin in the woods near a lake with my little family so they get a childhood built on sunlight not screenlight. Stepping off soapbox now...


  1. Just this morning I was playing with clayton saying "Roll it...roll it...something about a bakers man. sorry kid, I cant remember the words!" You just triggered my memory. Thanks monica!
