Lucky Charm:on rough days I wear this dark bracelet, it was given to me by another chef. I like to think when I wear it I have superchef powers, I can take on the world. Being solo is not as easy as I had anticipated, doubt creeps in with the smallest allowance. I feel so completely alone and so very very different from everything around me. I wouldn't change this for anything, and I realize Singapore is the unexpected wonder I have looked for. It is simply that on some days, I have no one to lean on here, no one to hug me and tell me I am amazing. I have no one to show my successes to, no one to tell me it's just not a big deal. I have all of's just 8,770 miles away. So this, this little nothing to many, is my secret weapon. It's my lucky jersey, my rabbits foot, my fortune cookie. I have all the tools I need within myself, but sometime it's easier to think that the power is coming from a few beads on a string. Sometimes relying on others belief in us, is enough until we believe in ourselves.
Merci a jamais AFL.
I think you are amazing! I love reading your blog. It always makes me smile.