Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Typical Day in China for me and B: Walking around with Brian is hilarious because, he is 6'4" so everyone thinks he is a celebrity ....and i am like lady Godzilla.... so people are taking our picture right and left. People have even handed us their babies to pose with, ah Asia I adore so much of the shutter happy you. The water here is so contaminated that you can cook with it, and shower with it and be fine, but brush your teeth with it and you are toast...diarrhea for days. So we brush our teeth with bottled water, and close out mouths when we shower. It is awesome . We wake up at 6a have breakfast -consisting of yams, warm soy milk or Tang, steamed buns, and egg fried rice-, then go back to bed until about 8a, then the car from the factory picks us up at 9a and it is a quick 15 min to the industrial wonderland. I feel at any given time at the autobots are going to come out and transform. The cook at the factory has treats waiting for us in our conference room everyday, some edible some not. Note to self, just because it is wrapped in gold doesn't mean it is a treat, I am pretty sure I ate a bullion cube today ...make that a brown MSG cube. Nothin sweet about that treat. We work on the machine doing our best to charade out what we need with the workers, then my second favorite part of the day comes, lunch. Yes I feel like Winnie the Pooh, always looking to the next meal. They bring this partitioned tray of rice, some veggie thing, some egg thing, some chicken thing, and usually a mystery item, which I may or may not try depending on the smell. Then back to work until 5p when the car takes us back to the hotel and the entire city comes alive. The grocery stores are packed, the streets are awake, and fireworks are shooting off from 6 different street corners at once. We wander the city until we can't move, and then off to bed...being lulled to sleep by the Orwellian 1984-esque speaker blaring Boys to Men, just outside our window. So that is what has been going on here, a little adventure everyday. Not taking China by storm per se, but definitely glad I have a bit of a layover here before Singapore.

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