Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Nest: I awoke this morning a bit confused, as one usually does in a new environment. It took only a glance at the floor in the hall, and I quickly knew exactly where I was, and I nuzzled in deeper into my feather pillow, and fell back asleep. I was in "The Nest", the 3rd floor bit of wonder at my uncle Mark's home. We call it the nest because there is a down comforter and down pillows and you feel like you are surrounded by birds when you sleep. NO that is morbid. And while true...that is not the reason. The reason is, that when you wake up....this is what you see:
Treetops. You awake in the treetops every morning. No other room in the house has this view, and as a guest you feel privileged for this ethereal start to everyday you are here. 

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