Sunday, February 10, 2013

Art: Yesterday another chef at work asked me why I thought the french hated the americans. Drawing on my decade plus love affair with the country and my few years living there, I could only think of one reason: for americans life is a race, for the french, life is art.

The french take hours to savor food, a break during the day for a nap, and then a long stroll as dusk approaches.

Americans drive-thru doing their best to keep the mustard of the dry-clean only's, when that afternoon haze sets in we pop a 5-hr energy or another espresso, and at night, we wind down with CNN, ESPN, or Fox News.

The french realize that life will happen and that not only recognizing, but savoring the small moments will be enough. Preserve the old, cherish tradition

Americans try to cram mass quantities of everything into every moment. Fast paced movies, enormous meals, if it's old tear it down, where is the newest trend....adopt it ASAP!

{mind you I realize these are almost naive stereotypical generalizations but you get the point}

I don't know if one way of living is better, there are certainly massive pros and cons to both lifestyles, however, I tend to err on the side of racing more than living some days, and I think I could use a little more life as art in my life.

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