Wednesday, September 12, 2012

***I am not desperate to get married. If I was I would still be or already be married. I am more enticed with love than I am with marriage. If love leads to marriage....great, but I am not frantically clawing at the idea with my every waking breath. But I am having a little I will share a little of my fun with you.....***

.Com: let's just talk about online "dating" for a moment......{yes I am on a dating website, no I do not adore it, yes I did it because my mom, sisters, friends all said it was a good idea....yes I now am wondering if those people really love me because if they did they would have never suggested it} Have you ever bought anything from a catalog or online? You get one or two views, the front the back, the item on a model, the size guide. From what is presented you have a decent idea of what you are going to get. And quite often have descriptions like:

The wardrobe essential. This is casual, with plenty of feminine detail. Flattering in the extreme and a great alternative to jeans. It is the beginning of every great outfit.

Well send me 4 of those, one in every color! That sounds great. You order it, it comes, with anticipation you take care not to cut to deep when opening the box and then.....what the crap:
this is how I feel about online dating :) you look at pictures, get the descriptions, place your "order" and then when it comes you are shocked. {should have jabbed the scissors in deep when opening this doozey} You soon learn that the first picture was from 2001 when he had hair, the second where he says, "me at the gym" ya he is the one with the sweat taco armpits on the elliptical in the back not the muscly one curling the 150 lb. dumbbell in the front, and the third picture of the birds-eye view of him rock climbing {which gets you really excited because you used to climb and are related to 2 of the best climbers in the country} ya turns out he had just gotten off the ground and was holding on for dear life while they took the shot. So from my last month stint with online dating I have discovered a few things, online dating is it great place for: compulsive liars, avid photo shoppers, and smooth writers who become turbulent with public, one on one, in person conversation. Don't worry there is lots more. But this is enough for today.


  1. Monica: You're truly amazing! I am laughing so long and loud reading all three date experiences and can hardly believe how funny the dating scene is out there! No wonder few people want to do it and dating actually has to be advertised on TV like it's a foreign thing that no one knows how to do anymore! Apparently, that's true!! Don't ever change or compromise a single thing about yourself. You have always stood up for right, always taken the side of the underdog and been the BEST example many people have ever had. I'm proud about you girlfriend!

  2. You are absolutely hilarious!
    Way to brave taking the plunge back into the dating scene...even if you do end up with MC Hammer pants from time to time :)
