Tuesday, August 21, 2012

***this one is a little long, but also a little funny***

DBD #1 Afghan Feast:
I don't share much....wait who am I kidding I have shared a lot. A lot about my divorce, a lot about my feeling, my likes, my dislikes, my inconsistencies, but I haven't shared much about my recent dates :) oh there are some real zingers! So as one who loves being single, but also LOVES men....from time to time I have decided to broaden my blopics (blog + topics = blopics) to now include dive bomb dates....DBD's {not BVD's although those are nice too :)} fear not I will never divulge names or relentlessly criticize my dates but some of the situations are just too good......

DBD1: Picture this cool Saturday night, I am in a short little sundress, tall espadrilles with beachy curls and sunkissed cheeks getting ready to meet my date setup by a friend.....a text comes:

"did you get my last text?"
"well we are having dinner with my brother and his wife, meet us there"

the only thing I will share about him is that: 1. when having a first date....pick a girl up, and 2. dinner with a family member is not the best idea. Our getting to know each other was trumped by his reminiscing with his brother about their past.

Now here is the ZINGER, he picked a very well reviewed afghan restaurant, we got there and the parking lot was packed! but no one was inside? Our server explained the owner's son was killed in a car accident a few days ago and the funeral was being held in the banquet room next to us {this instantly dashed the mood}. From then on the wait staff changed every so often why? oh because they were taking turns speaking at the wake! Server "A" would be gone for a while and then come back teary and say, "it was just so sad he was only 24, my best friend, such a good guy". Server "B" would be gone for a while then come back teary and say, "the car was just split in half, it was so bad, did you see the pictures on the news?". Server "C" would be gone for a while then come back teary and say, "the police said it was the worst accident they had seen in years on I-395". The food was amazing, {although I did secretly wonder if the food they recommended, which we in turn ordered, was actually the same food from the buffet next door} but it was hard to swallow when every few minutes you were met with the devastation a snuffed life brings, that and once again we were the only ones in the restaurant not at the wake in the banquet room. And to top it all off we were also the only ones @ the restaurant out of 300+ not praying on the tablecloths laid out in the parking lot as the sun set. Voila a great start to my sharing of DBD's.

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