Friday, May 11, 2012

God: today there was a bomb threat at the girl's school. I had previously arranged to take their newly hatched butterflies to their classes but I had woken up more tired then when I had gone to bed. When I got the recorded call from the principal that no one was being allowed in or out of the school my first thought was, "yes I don't have to go in, I can take a little nap" horrible I know. Suspicious packages and bomb threats are sadly common and since I touched down here 5 years ago, not a single bomb has gone off in Washington so the threats seem silly to me. I thought about a nap for a few seconds then my heart sank and I immediately dropped to my knees and pleaded, "Dear God not today, not to these babies." And I was calm. I knew the situation was out of my control and all I could do was plead to a man I'd never met. I wondered about all of the other official parents who got that call and what they did. I like to think a large portion of them did what I did. Especially in moments of fear and sadness we pray to a man we've never met. A friend asked me why I do what I do and this circumstance caused me to think a little more on the matter. I choose religion, I choose to pray to God, I am Mormon. And while I have my own set of issues with the policies and culture that has come with the church, my faith in God remains. I have never seen Him, I have never had a glorious vision, or seen a burning bush or a river parted. But, I have felt calm in the middle of a tragic divorce {aren't they all!}, I talked to my father today who 12 years ago was so sick he should have died, I just facebooked my little brother who was so blue when he was born he should have never seen the light of day, my sisters: climbs mountains, work in rushing rivers, work with oil rigs. I haven't seen biblical miracles but I truly feel that I have seen things happen in my life time that shouldn't have. I haven't seen His face, I haven't seen Hands but I do know that on days like today....believing there is more to this life, more after this life, more than just me and you....believing in that, not only gives me peace, but also gives me the hope to continue. That is enough for me to comfortably say, there is a God. There is evidence for Him and much against Him, but when all is taken into considerations whether geology proves there wasn't a flood or a creation or a Jesus Christ, it does not matter to me because today in a frantic onset tearful plea, I felt peace and science cannot explain that.

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