Saturday, June 9, 2012

Frazzled....and my Tender Mercy:
for starters I think the term tender mercy is used for everything! One apostle used it in a very good talk and now everything it seems, is a tender mercy (TM). My cat came home! TM, I found a parking spot! TM, I graduated! TM. Nope those aren't tender mercies, that is just life. Tender mercies are when you think there is a very good chance God was looking out for you a little more than He usually does. I had one a few weeks ago.
See that bag to the left over there <======8 ya, that bag, along with 3 others that didn't make it into the picture, contains all of my fancy winter sweaters and pants and scarves. I was making the transition from winter/spring to summers so I bagged up my clothes to take them to the storage shed. On my way out the door I was a bit frazzled because I had 4 children (2 to take to school 2 to remain with me for the day), complete emotional closure had happened on the year long divorce {which is much sooner than I was expecting see here if you want to know how}, I had decided to go to Amsterdam but needed to get airfare and pack {i know poor me}, and my body was malfunctioning, I hadn't had breakfast, and sleep escaped me the night before. I strapped in all 4 kids, took a deep breath, dropped off 2 at school, then headed to the shed. Traffic was good, got there quick, parked right by my unit then opened the van to get my bags! where are my bags? I thought through this...I had them when we walked out the door then I quickly put them down to strap in the littles then I ...I shut the van door and drove off!! They still must be in the middle of the road and today is trash day! I sped back to DC from Rockville praying my stuff would still be there because loosing stuff, although material and not important in the long run, would be just too much for little me that day {and every time I say little me in my head i am saying it with a southern accent fyi}. As I turned from 6th st. to Independence I fearfully looked and....tender mercy. My bags had been taken from the street to the sidewalk and all the garbage had been picked up, all the garbage in bags just like mine, all the garbage except for my 3 bags. Relief, amazement, joy. Lesson: when you have too much on your plate, stop going back for more....slow down.

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