Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sense: before this past weekend I though all senses were equal....well they are NOT! Now before I go on I should explain that I feel supremely blessed to have my sight, my hearing, 4 working limbs, a great family. This experience only furthered my appreciation for what I actually have. ...When people asked me before which sense I though I could do without I wouldn't really pay much attention, I would just respond. Well on day 5 of not being able to smell or taste due to a bitch of a cold (yep swore again, nope it's not a typo), I have decided I cannot do without smell/taste. Oh and here is where I get bent...there are really only 4 sense areas: sight, touch, sound, smell/taste. So why always say 5 senses it is more like 4.5. If you can't smell you can't taste, which begs the if you can't taste, can you smell?? Anyone? Well back to my point, after 5 days of not wanting to eat anything because it all tasted the same I have realized my taste/smell is dear to me and a sense that I would greatly mourn if I was without it. So hearing, I choose to loose you if I have to pick a sense.

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