Layers: Happy Valentine's Day! Oh what a glorious day! Pink and love and roses everywhere, uh I just love it. Dinner reservations, candle light, silly proposals, heart overloads, gushy poetry, Micheal Buble, it is all so great! If I have learned anything about love in the last little bit, it is this: love has layers. Some layers are perfect, pressed, camera ready. Some layers are rough around the edges, a little worn out. Some are bright and complex others are beautiful in their simplicity. Some have been visited so many times they are the go-to layers like a favorite pair of jeans or an old t-shirt, they are oldies but goodies while some layers have yet to be discovered. That is wonderful thing about love, it is never just one thing, one emotion, one word, one date, one is magnificent compilation of every success and failure, everything that we are, have been, and will be all rolled into one smart little word. Love is limitless and unlike neurological tissue or neurons, it has endless potential for rejuvenation, endless layers that when put together make our story. Seeing as this has been my train of thought for a little became my most recent "visual aid"/ valentines for my family:
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