Five.2: I love five for the reasons previously mentioned and for these... on Tuesdays I have the glorious privilege of volunteering in Roxanne's kindergarten class from 8:45-12:00 . Today was only my second Tuesday on the "job" and it did not disappoint. Jackson threw up on my shoes, and John -a curly haired angel with too many wiggles so he gets in a lot of trouble- came up to me and asked, "Ms Monica can you help me?" "Well sure dude what's up?" "I need you to pull my tooth it's bugging me." "Okay let's give it a try." and a few seconds later I had successfully pulled John's first tooth:
I adore littles, this is not new information. What is new is what I see in watching them. The lame Hallmark quips about children always infuriate me, they are so dumb! But so true. As a big person I focus so much on what is "important" but in it's simplest form all we need is a little help with the tricky things and love even when we don't ask. A wiggly little was content and quite for the rest of the day because he had help with something tricky. I wonder how many of my wiggles could be quickly quieted were I brave enough to ask....
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