Wednesday, March 20, 2013

"Hold please":There are the days when you love your profession as a pastry chef, and then there are the days when you do not. Staff is unbearable, recipes are failing, hours are humorously long, kitchen is too hot and the chocolate isn't setting, kitchen is too cold and the chocolate is setting before you can mold it! Those are the days, when you dream of answering phones or cleaning teeth.  

There are days when you love your profession as a chef, but you long for the days when your meager little paycheck will afford you not just 1, but 2! ring pops a month.  (Once again, most likely answering phones or cleaning teeth). 

Today was NOT this kind of day! Today was this kind of day:

(truffle honey mini ice cream bar dipped in 54% dark chocolate and brushed with a little gold, made and promptly consumed by me)

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