Dog Mommy?!
In Utah you have a dog and it is the thing that lives in a pen or on a chain in the backyard. This pet is usually malnourished, because some genius thought teaching an 8,6,and 4 year old responsability by having them feed the dog was a good idea. The dogs are friendly and never need to be walked because everyone has a backyard.
In DC no one has a yard, people pay $10/walk to have their dogs walked while they work, and the dogs feast on fancy food {not the $25 for 75 lbs. IFA brand my dogs grew up on}. In DC you are also not an owner but a dog mommy. What joy right? GAG Yesterday while walking Kenza, a lady with a piece of white fluff on the end of a leash stopped me:
"Oh you have the best mommy don't are so cute....she must be so proud to have a beautiful girl like you." And without any verbal acknowledgement to me, she stood up, smiled again -at Kenza-, and kept walking.
I love Kenza, she is darling, she makes a lot of days really funny, but I am not her mommy! If I had given birth to her....I would: a. consider harming the "xy" that contributed to her conception, b. get a hysterectomy so it could never happen again, c. never parade her around on a leash, d. never ever tell anyone she was mine....ever! I'd tell them she was Hannah's and Max's ;) So DC, albeit fancy, this is not the face of my child:
So here I am reading your blog and in walks Liam...He stares at the picture of Kenza for a minute then starts saying doggy over and over several times. Then all of a sudden he gasps and yells "Monica!!!" I guess it suddenly dawned on him and he made the connection. I mean he's only met Kenza once but he remembered!
ReplyDeleteI love the Goldie Locks and the Three Bears costumes!! So adorable!
Thanks for letting me use the lobster pot again, it was hit!
And that story of the little girl asking of you had a boyfriend was hilarious...and true. You are so beautiful and deserve someone who will kiss you on the mouth every day. Believe me I'm keeping my eyes peeled.
I'm getting all my comments in one spot because it takes me several tries to get the security code thing right.