***Warning this post contains the word ass 2x, and I get a little angry at the end*****
Have I Ever Told you how much I Hate Teenagers?:
if you are facebook friends with me then you know that last night while pumping gas, my bag was snatched! This kid hopped out of a car, opened my door, grabbed the bag and then jumped into the back window of the get away car and sped off. I didn't even have time to think. The plates had been removed and my legs, while long, were no match for the stupid Ford Fusion {until today I had no bias against Ford, now I see it as an accessory to crime}. Shaken, stirred, frazzled, surprised, you name it I was it. My bag had the typical keys, wallet, and other valuables, but they aren't so valuable at the same time. I am more sad I no longer have a business card with a few address' scratched on the back from a really great day of house hunting, a fortune from a silly chinese cookie that seemed to answer my question- like shaking an 8-ball and getting a "yes", an old photo, and a wrapper from a candy that said something about the human heart. I hate it when I am robbed of my memories! My own memory is above average-not bragging, it's a fact- but I worry that someday I'll forget so I keep my little bits of wonder close. A nostalgic pack-rat, a sentimental fool, a hopeless romantic hoarder......who is ridiculously pissed off that some punk ass teenager stole my mustard yellow Hobo bag filled with stuff that doesn't have any street value!! I don't wish death on you punk ass kid, but in the next gang shooting I hope you get a bullet graze right in the___(insert body part of choosing)_____, just enough to make you re-evaluate your life choices.
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