Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"Ma'am would you please step out of your car": 9 words this "ma'am" never thought she would least not sober :). Turns out if you license plate looks like this:
(because the bolt is rusted and you can't get it off so you just have one screw and a twisty tie, which evidently fell off, holding it up) you will get pulled over. Apparently it is indicative of a stolen car, hence the hole, "ma'am" scene. So out I go, next thing I know a fleet of cruisers pull up, bullet proof vest emerge {and from the looks of their arms their chest/abs/backs were probably pretty great too, I thought about making a joke like, "hey want to take your shirts off and pat me down haha" and then I thought that would be not the best idea}. The officer inspects the inside of my car with a flashlight then in an odd tone says, "um ma'am will you open your trunk, but before you do, do you know what is in your trunk?" "sure and yes, there is a kitchenaid box and a bag of pillows in my trunk. Can I ask why I am being asked to open my trunk?" at which point the light bulb goes off and I realize on my front seat, which she just looked at, are the following objects: contractor bags, zip ties, duct tape, and my blow torch that I use for creme brulee. Great MK, nice work. They check my I.D. and registration, we chat back and forth, they try to get the bolt off and can't, so we use some duct tape, and then I go home half blind from all the flashing lights, with full kidnapping gear now safely stowed out of sight in the trunk.

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