Friday, September 2, 2011

White-Trash if this term disturbs or offends you, it is probably because it hits too close to home! For me it is life lately. Being a Nomad finds me more often then I would like ! but back to the matter at hand, within all of us is a little white trash. It may be a dumpster with built in compactor or a little pail, but each of us have some quantity of it within our lives. Here are a few of the evidences of it in mine:

yes, in my car door I keep my Guerlain perfume and in those little bags to the left:earrings, and rings.


yes, in my bag I keep my make-up and my deodorant NOT so I can re-apply like a normal girl, but because while
rushing out the door I usually forget one or both and don't realize it until about noon when I think, "why the schmutz am I sweating so bad" or I glance in the mirror and, "are you freakin' kidding me I only drew on one eyebrow today! crap" then I fix what I forgot.


yes, in the back seat of my car there are currently about 6 outfits crammed into a Trader Joe's bag it is acting as my closet. Tidy, no?

You are welcome.

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